Software Architect

Serial Tech Entrepreneur

A technology enthusiast, I have worked as a developer and architect for both startups and large corporations, developing digital products and platforms. I am always curious to explore how new technologies can be applied to solve complex problems, generating either business advantages or societal impacts. I truly believe that technology can pave the way to a better future and positively impact the ecosystem. I am a regular speaker at Blockchain events across Western Europe and an open-source contributor to multiple projects, including The Linux Foundation, World Economic Forum, and Sovrin. Currently, I am exploring quantum computing applications in business.


Software Architecture

Experience in developing modern, reslient, secure and scalable architechture using Javascript, Python, 12 factor apps, TDD and clean code/ architecture principles.

Software Development

18 years experience developing software in PHP, React, Node and Python. Developed multiple SaaS applications for customers in North America, Europe and Australia.


Architected and developed decentralised applicatons using Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Hyperledger Fabric, Hadoop (HDFS) & AWS Quantum Ledger Database.

Machine Learning

Developed machine learning applications using Decision Support System, Collective Intelliegence and Neural network solution based on semantics, and ontology.


Notable Projects