Dec 02, 2020

Multi-tenant architecture

What is multi-tenancy Multi-tenant systems are designed to provide every tenant (company) a dedicated share of the instance (one common platform). In a sense, it’s a bit like an apartment building: you don’t need to build a new building for each new tenant, but rather house many tenants in a single building, aided by common infrastructure like hallways and shared plumbing. The multi-tenant set-up enables us to host multiple tenants (companies) to perform transactions on the EME platform.

Need for multi-tenancy in EME's platform

To achieve a full-scale circular economy, multiple suppliers, buyers, and value-added providers need to be able to easily cooperate on the EME platform. We have therefore developed a multi-tenant solution (a platform that hosts multiple companies) for the EME platform, which is offered as Software as a Service (SaaS). Our multi-tenancy setup provides every tenant a dedicated instance (the customised platform version) and helps maintain the modularity and security aspects of the platform in a structurally organised manner. In this article, we explain the need for and the technical aspects of the multi-tenancy setup on the EME platform.

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Our design approach

We have considered the below design pattern options for the EME platform. Selecting the right multi-tenant architecture pattern is a trade-off between multiple factors such as: Tenant isolation Resource sharing Elasticity (scaling up the platform with new tenants) This pattern uses a multi-tenant application with many databases, all being single-tenant databases. A new database is provisioned for each new tenant.


Easy onboarding

Adding new customers to the EME platform is easier as tenants (companies) are isolated with their own database services, a change in adding a new tenant (company) does not impact the entire set up, hence simpler to onboard.


The platform consists of common services, like resources passports, the payment system, reports, and the marketplace service. These services will be used by all customers. Our set-up makes the reuse of these common services for individual clients within their individual environments possible and hence the efficiency of the platform for the customer increases.

Streamlined Maintenance

Maintenance costs are rolled into the price of the EME platform subscription, which saves users from investing in costly on-site technicians and updates. Regular updates and new releases are available to all customers, leading to improved uptime and operational capacity.

Cost Savings

Since multi-tenant architecture enables the exchange of services, databases, resources, and applications, it costs less than a single-tenant structure. Scaling has fewer implications because new users can access the same software as the original buyers. Additionally, maintenance and upgrade costs are usually built into the SaaS subscription fee, so there are no surprise charges.

Scalability & Larger Computing Capacity

Multi-tenant SaaS solutions are designed to service all sizes of business, both large and small. If your computing needs change, the software is easily scalable and elastic to changing demands.

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